The process of exchanging phone numbers with 11 digits into 10 digits of five operators Viettel, VinaPhone, MobiFone, Gtel and Vietnamobile will start at 00h00 on 15/9/2018 and end on 23h59 on 30/6/2019.
The conversion of 11-digit mobile phone numbers to 10 digits only changes the 4 digits of the first 3 digits. All last 7 digits of mobile subscribers will be retained.
Here are the details of how to convert the number of 5 operators Viettel, VinaPhone, MobiFone, Vietnamobile and Gmobile:
* MobiFone
The number 0120 is converted to 070
The number 0121 is converted to 079
Number 0122 converted to 077
The number 0126 is converted to 076
Number 0128 converted to 078
For example, 0128.7878.888 will be converted to 078.7878.888
* VinaPhone
Number 0123 converted to 083
Number 0124 converted to 084
Number 0125 converted to 085
Number 0127 converted to 081
Number 0129 is converted to 082
For example, 0129.8222.888 will convert to 082.8222.888
* Viettel
The number 0162 is converted to 032
The number 0163 is converted to 033
The number 0164 is converted to 034
The number 0165 is converted to 035
The number 0166 is converted to 036
The number 0167 is converted to 037
The number 0168 is converted to 038
The number 0169 is converted to 039
For example, 0169.9333.999 will be converted to: 039.9333.999
* Vietnamobile
Number 0186 is converted to 056
The number 0188 is converted to 058
For example, 0188.8555.888 will be converted to: 058.8555.888
* Gmobile
Number 0199 is converted to 059
Subscriber example: 0199.5959.999 will be converted to: 059.5959.999
10-digit mobile subscribers remain unchanged.